ထႅမ်းပလဵတ်ႉ:Print version cover
ဝႃးသျိၼ်းပပ်ႉ ဢၼ်ၸၢင်ႈမႄးလႆႈ ယၢမ်းလဵဝ်ၼႆႉ တေလႆႈႁၼ် တီႈၼႂ်း ဝီႇၶီႇပပ်ႉ ဢၼ်ပဵၼ် ပပ်ႉႁဵၼ်း ဢၼ်ပိုတ်ႇၽုၺ်ႇ ၶေႃႈၼမ်း ဢၼ်ၵဵပ်းဝႆႉ တီႈ
[မႄးထတ်း]Creates a substitute for book cover for books, which don't have a separate page with it (for example, C Programming).
You can specify a custom title as an optional argument (for example, "Comprehensive guide to C Programming" instead of "C Programming"):
{{print version cover|Comprehensive guide to C Programming}}
When there is no separate page listing authors and list of main authors is short, you can use optional "authors" argument:
{{print version cover|authors=John Smith, Jim Bean}}
Books having separate page for cover should use {{print version cover text}} template.
[မႄးထတ်း]{{Print version}}